Our latest newsletter will be off the presses soon and on its way to our WRA members! This issue features Sarah, our year-old Turkey Vulture, and her story of how she came to be at Wildlife Recovery, and also relates many interesting facts about these wonderful and necessary birds. They truly are a beautiful member of the bird family, and Sarah wins friends wherever she goes. Sometimes we will hear people say that they aren't sure they would like meeting a Turkey Vulture, but after Sarah comes onto the scene and they learn about her and her neat ways and how to watch for the graceful flight of these birds, they change their minds. We are pleased, too, to hear of how many people tell us that Turkey Vultures are their favorite bird! Truly, Sarah is a good ambassador for Turkey Vultures everywhere!
We would love to share our newsletters with you! To receive Sarah's story, and future issues of our Wildlife Recovery newsletters, we would be very glad to welcome you as a member! WRA memberships begin at $10 per year. Our contact information is on the sidebar under 'Contact Us"; information is also available on our web site www.wildliferecovery.org (link at bottom of the page). Your membership is tax-deductible.
We thank you and Sarah thanks you, too!
(Top: Sarah and Joe at Huron County Nature Center)

9-23-2009: Sarah and Joe at BSA Cole Canoe Camp School Nature Day