Indian Lullaby
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rock-a-bye, my little owlet, In thy mossy, swaying nest,
With thy little woodland brothers, Close thine eyes and take thy rest.
To whoo, to whoo, to whoo, to whoo...
Hush-a-bye, my little owlet, Many voices sing to thee,
"Hush-a-bye," the water whispers, "Hush!" replies the tall pine tree.
To whoo, to whoo, to whoo, to whoo...
Sleep, O sleep, my little owlet, Thro' our tent the moon shines bright,
Like a great eye it will watch thee, Sleep until the morning light.
To whoo, to whoo, to whoo, to whoo...
Barred Owl (Wilbur) photo by Christopher Schlaf