Friday, July 30, 2010

WRA Education: Dahlem Center: July 23, 2010

Program at Dahlem Center Day Camp: Jackson: July 23, 2010

WRA On the Road: Tall Ships Celebration: July 2010

The Europa: July 15, 2010

Presenting Programs at The Tall Ships Celebration: Bay City: July 2010

WRA Rehabilitation: Loon Release: July 14, 2010

Happy Loon Splashing in the Water Following Release

Preparing to Release Loon:
Kristy Morris & Joanne Williams
Photos by Barb Rogers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WRA Field Research: Spring 2010

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore: Spring 2010

Joe and Barb Rogers Observing and Photographing Young Peregrines Along the Cliffs.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

WRA Programs: Tawas: May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010: Tawas Birding Festival: Tawas City, Michigan

WRA Programs: April 22, 2010

April 22, 2010: Lloyd A. Stage Nature Center, Troy, Michigan

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WRA With the Rockford Cub Scouts: 2/22/2010

Monday February 22, 2010: We were the guest presenters in Rockford for the meeting of the Meadow Ridge Elementary School Cub Scout pack 3226 scouts and parents. The boys were excited to see the birds and learn about them, and there were many questions during the presentation as well as afterward, from the boys and the adults as well, and stories of the birds and animals they have seen. It is always very rewarding to see young people so interested and as already knowledgeable about nature as many of the scouts! It was a very happy evening for us!

WRA at Dow Diamond: 2/20-21/2010

February 20 & 21, 2010: Wildlife Recovery was at Midland's Dow Diamond, home of the Great Lakes Loons baseball team, for their Outdoor Event. We presented three full programs and also had informal sessions for questions and photography opportunities. We met a lot of great people over the weekend; it was a wonderful experience for us and for the birds!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

WRA Program: Safari Club International: 2/6/10

February 6, 2010: A great day as we presented two programs at the Kid's Day at Safari Club International Detroit Chapter in Detroit!

Friday, February 5, 2010

WRA School Programs: Dearborn Heights Montessori Center: 2/5/10

February 5, 2010:
We were pleased and excited to present two programs today to the students at Dearborn Heights Montessori Center! The students really enjoyed seeing the birds, had very good and thoughtful questions and told us of some of their experiences with birds, as well. We present here each year, and it is always good to get to see everyone again. The mid-level students presented us with a lovely card, signed by everyone, and a special donation that they had worked hard to raise for the birds. It was a very happy day for us to be there again! We thank you all so much!

Monday, January 25, 2010

WRA Programs: Butman-Fish Public Library: 1/09/10

January 9, 2010: Wildlife Recovery Association presented two programs at Butman-Fish Public Library in Saginaw. We have presented there for many years, and it is always a happy occasion for us to visit, renewing old friendships with the staff and others, and meeting so many fine people as we share the birds!

Above: Joe with Midnight, the Rough-Legged Hawk; and a volunteer helps with showing posters.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WRA Programs: A Day With the Birds: 12/30/09

December 30, 2009
: Wildlife Recovery Association was pleased to be a part of "A Day With the Birds" at the Art Center of Battle Creek and to meet and work with many aspiring young artists!